We know that the choice of a Software for your work is complicated and long to make, so we offer D-TEC's Cloud Trial for 30 days so you can try the program. Work in the field with D-TEC Application or organize your Field working days directly from the Office.
All standard features are available for trial, then only 6€ per User/ Month.
Start now simplifying your life. Use D-TEC!
Choose the Cloud customized for your needs and customize by yourself D-TEC with fields, sections and interfaces tailored-made for your needs without being a programmer
Annually Billed, VAT included
Enhance D-TEC with ready-made Addons available on the Marketplace integrated into the program. Cross-platform components that you can use on all your devices. Extensions, Reports, Print Modules, Additional Sections and much more ...
The web interface for your Customer is customized with the Logo and info of your Company. The standard Ticketing module of request can be customised with only the necessary information for you to understand the priority, the type of problem and the intervention to execute.
D-TEC is a Software developped with the Nios4 platform and for this reason you can modify everything within the program, for free and by yourself. Without having to be a programmer you can start from the practical WorkFlow, you can use the Drag and Drop functions of fields and take advantage of all No-Code
Tolls integrated in the version
Windows, Web and MAC OS X of D-TEC, to rename the fields, modify and add sections, set up functions according to your work method.
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02211990367 D-TEC Program developped with
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CONTACTS: Commercial sales@d-one.info - Technical Support