The Ticketing System is a online portal that organizes the management of Customers requests of assistances, customizable and editable, that addresses the customer who has to manage the requests of assistances and intervention that his own customers request via calls, whatsapp, texts and email. In order not to miss any assistance request, the ticketing organizes and shows all requests and history from the beginning to the resolution of the intervention, by creating intervention reports and being able to invoice directly the final Customer. The system adresses the owner of the service and the final user of the service, notifying automatically via email all updates. Ticketing is FOR FREE in D-TEC program.

N.B. We remember that the updates relative to new contacts, new tickets and changes of the tickets will be signaled through e-mail.

For the owner of the service:

The owner of the service is the one that offers the ticket service to his own customers.

For who has installed D-TEC program if he finds the Ticket among the Sections so it's ready to be used. If in the D-TEC program  it's not present the Ticket Section, you can install it For Free in the Marketplace of D-TEC among the addons components. While in ReportOne and in Nios4 the Ticket need to be installed in the Marketplace among the addons components.

 1. It is compulsory for everyone to request the activation of the Ticketing system by contacting the D-One at:

It is also compulsory:

 2. FILL IN the following FIELDS in the tab Your data: In the additional tab Main: Name of the Comapany, E-Mail and to set a Logo for your activity.

To make the service available, what you need to do is to provide your customers with the link you will receive when the installation process is complete. In
that moment the relative customers will make a registration to the service and after that they will be able to access all the functionalities.
Once all the installation procedure has been carried out correctly, there will be new tables and new functions within the program. What will have weight for the ticket service will be the Customer Table, the new Ticket Table and all the new fields in the Info Table, visible under the Table Your Data.

Customers Section. The Customer Section is the section where all your customers will be saved. With the update you will see when opening the Customer Sheet a new field, named Check Ticket.

Section Ticket. In this section there will be all requests of assistance. The fields are N°, the Title of the request, the Status (Open, Suspended, Reprogramming, Executed), the Priority that indicates to me the emergency level of the request (Low, Medium, High), the Description of the request, the Request Date, or the date on which the request was sent, and the Customer who made the request for the ticket. You can then make changes such as updating the status of the request.


In the Table Your Data. In Options in the Table Your Data there will be a set of data to be compiled for the operation of the ticketing service, some mandatory other optional to customize the view of the Ticket fields.

FIELDS ALREADY PREFILLED BUT CUSTOMIZABLE (It is better not to change the name of these fields). In the table Your data: In the Additional Table Ticket, all fields are already filled in with the name, that can be viewed both by the owner side and customer side, when accessing your display panel.

The Additional Table Ticket Fields is a table where you can set limits to your customer on what they can view or how they can interact. It will refer to the Ticket Section so it will have as many rows as there are columns in the Section Ticket.


To add a new Field List with Drop-Down Menu

To modify the fields: Go to section Ticket, the setting wheel on top, go to List and add one. Go to tab Fields, add one and connect it to the list just created.

To Modify an existing Field

To modify the fields: Go to section Ticket, the wheel setting on top, then select the Field you want to modify and the pencil to modify.


For the final customer that uses the service:

The final customer can access the Ticketing service through the link that will receive from the Owner of the service. The final customer insert autonomously the request of assistance and follows the evolution through the account that he creates in the portal without interrupting the workflow in the field.
If it's the first time he accesses to the service, the first thing he will have to do is make a registration. Once all the fields are filled in and sent the request of registration, he can access the service with his credentials in the login page (the link will be sent also through email).


The user can through its portal Add new requests of support, modify certain parameters (based on the limits set by the owner of the ticket service) and visualize the list of the made requests.